收藏: 原色法帖選〈全50冊〉
原色法帖選( 全50冊)
特別是三井家聽冰閣舊藏的各類藝術品,是已故舊三井財閥的首領人—三井髙堅先生傾注精魂保存下的中國文化之精粹,費心費力收集1920 年代在中國國內的舊搨本。其收集投入的巨大財富,當時一件作品相當於七十幢純日本式的豪宅。名碑的舊搨本深受大家尊重傳為一代佳話。1980 年代二玄社將三井聽冰閣珍藏了半個世紀以上的收集品挖掘出來,讓屈指可數的世界珍品重見光日。
Selected Masterpieces of Calligraphy in the Original Colors ( 50 volumes )
Opening the thick twill-weave cover, you are presented with a succession of ancient color-toned calligraphy works in the style of fold-out books. This collection is filled with old rubbings of vivid colors and bright ink color masterpieces which are sure to impress.
This series features highly valued pieces of calligraphy from the Mitsui Bunko collection, which has long awaited its introduction as a world-class collection, as well as from the National Palace Museums, Taipei and Beijing, the Tokyo National Museum, and other museums.
Using exquisite printing techniques, these world treasures are reproduced in their original size and colors, providing a wide range of iconic examples of masterful calligraphy.
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